Sunday, August 24, 2008

Thing 14: LibraryThing

LibraryThing. Again, whee!

I joined LibraryThing a little over two years ago. It was meant to be: I'd kept my own little card catalog since childhood, which I'd eventually migrated to an Access database, but Access was merely adequate for this purpose. LibraryThing and Book Collector (library catalog software which I'd bought just before learning about LibraryThing) were much better.

I haven't been all that social on LT. I mostly use it for the cataloging feature, although now that a couple of friends of mine have joined, I'm getting a tenuous social network going. I've joined several groups, but I just don't have time to check in on them.

While I have about 888 books in my LT catalog as of this writing, I'm not comfortable with opening my entire library to strangers. So I have created a second account for 23 Things on a Stick and dropped in about 200 books. It should at least give a taste of my collection, and if it looks a bit sparse tag-wise, well, I assure you my master collection is tagged, filled with LC call numbers, and generally maintained to the best of my abilities.

1 comment:

Marianne Hageman said...

Hello. You sound a little like me. I, too, had a card file of my books as a kid. I've had two different software "catalogs" since then (neither complete.) I'm also a little reluctant to put all of my books into LibraryThing, although the idea is intriguing. Good luck finishing the 23 Things on a Stick!