Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thing 36: Comic Relief--Generate Some Fun

So, am I more of a Moth Willowglitter, "caster of weird dreams" and "only seen in the light of a shooting star" (Fairy Name Generator) or a Magdalene Saint Clair, "seductress of the Beltane Feasts," "presiding over the gluttonous feasts of the wickedest night of the year" (Vampire Name Generator)?

Okay, less of an organized report here, and more of a "splashing around in the pool" effort. How could I resist Convert Your Name to a Dewey Number?

Elizabeth Tuckwood's Dewey Decimal Section:

851 Italian poetry

Elizabeth Tuckwood = 52961250801313554 = 529+612+508+013+135+54 = 1851

800 Literature

Literature, criticism, analysis of classic writing and mythology.

What it says about you:
You're a global, worldly person who wants to make a big impact with your actions. You have a lot to tell people and you're good at making unique observations about everyday experiences. You can notice and remember details that other people think aren't important.

Find your Dewey Decimal Section at

Just a thought here...since I'm probably coming to Thing 36 later than many people, what are the chances that when I'm looking over the library-themed cartoons to choose one to post, that I'm choosing the work of another 23 Thingser? But here we go, with a work from Bernd:

As for one of my own:

Maybe I'd be enjoying the toon generators more if I hadn't spent a fair chunk of my life reading comic books, graphic novels, manga, and so on. I just kept thinking how clunky and amateurish the whole thing was. Instinctively, I'd say there's not much use for a library comic at our library, but this is sort of thing where in the hands of the right person who can think of the right punchline, something might come of it after all. Just don't expect me to be that person. I thought the name generators were fun, though. No real thought needed, just a few minutes of silly relaxation.