Monday, September 8, 2008

Thing 18: YouTube & Other Online Video

I're asking a woman who has the bare minimum Netflix subscription and hasn't watched TV in months to check out online video sites?

I think YouTube is a fine idea. It's one Thing, though, that highlights a digital divide: online video might as well not exist if you have a dial-up connection. So with my home computer not even in the running and with my laptop having a few connectivity issues, I'm doing Thing 18 off my work computer and am making sure to view only Very Inoffensive Videos.

That said, I love the "Introducing the Book" video--I'd've put it in this blog, but that would probably come across as a mite unoriginal on my part. So instead, readers of this blog (all three of you) will be treated to an instructional video on backwards knitting. I want to learn to knit backwards, so you get to learn to knit backwards. And I liked the 'see also' feature. The videos this "Backwards Knitting" video refers to include another video on the same topic but done by a Continental knitter (really, that last comment makes sense if you knit). This is a good video instruction-wise, even if it's grainy: it clearly shows how to perform the technique. What more can you ask of an instructional video?

I'm almost scared to get a fast Internet connection simply because I can see myself spending far too much time looking for interesting videos. I don't feel much urge to make videos, though. Of course, maybe that's because I haven't been exposed to enough amateur video yet.

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