Monday, June 15, 2009

in-between thing: supporting micronesia

I hadn't been able to avoid noticing the "new" domain name .fm that had popped up in the last two Things: in Thing 41 and in Thing 42. Both sites touch on social networking, but lots of sites involve social networking nowadays, and I couldn't figure out what else they might have in common (okay, they both start with L, but I doubted that was significant).

A trip to Wikipedia reveals that .fm is the country code top-level domain name for the Federated States of Micronesia. Micronesia isn't stingy: they're quite willing to let others register .fm domains. The proceeds go back to Micronesia, a source of income in these troubled economic times. In general, it's been FM radio stations that have chosen the .fm domain, so even though and are the only examples of .fm that I've seen to date, they're apparently atypical.

Oh, the trivia of the Internet. :)