Monday, June 8, 2009

Thing 39: Digital Storytelling

I've always enjoyed the idea of scrapbooking, much as I've enjoyed the idea of journaling. The difference is that I got into the habit of journaling: all it required was a pen and paper. Scrapbooking took too much energy. It made messes. You had to plan out ahead of time what you were going to do because basically it was an ongoing art project. I never got any further than stuffing mementoes in between the pages of a scrapbook and telling myself that really, someday, I'd do something with them.

And now we're in the 21st century and there's this thing called "digital scrapbooking" to go along with all the digital photos we take nowadays. I delayed on this entry for a while, mostly because it was supposed to be about a library event, and we just don't do a lot of events at our library. But yes, finally, we had an open house to honor our retiring State Law Librarian, and I got photos.

I took a peek at Scrapbook Generator (doesn't that sound straightforward?) and was immediately repelled by all the tacky ads on the site. I then looked at Scrapblog. Much nicer. I got the hang of it fairly quickly. So much of it is just click, drag, and drop. You don't need to register to get started, but I see you have to register even to save a work in progress. Not a big deal--I'm getting really used to quickie registrations by Thing 39--but it seemed a bit misleading.

Anyway, here's the fruits of, well, far too much time for the final product. But I bet I'd speed up (or do fancier layouts) with practice: